Welcome to our workshop programme!

If you have any queries about these workshops, any ideas for workshops that you would like to attend or facilitate in the future or would like to support the workshop programme in any way then please contact us at brightonpcc01@gmail.com.

Booking information

In order to book a place on the workshops described in the panel below, please click the links.

Places on the workshops will be allocated on a first come first served basis and buying a ticket in advance is essential.


We do not normally offer refunds unless the workshop is cancelled by us. However, please email the facilitator or contact person to let us know if you are unable to attend.

If the workshop is fully booked we may be able to re-sell your ticket to another person and provide you with a refund, minus the small Eventbrite fee.​

Upcoming workshops

There are no workshops currently scheduled; we are, however, currently working on a series of quarterly events.

Please keep an eye out here and in the monthly newsletter for updates.

If you have thoughts or ideas for future workshops, please feel free to forward them to us at brightonpcc01@gmail.com

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