Please find below details of our regular meetings and groups.

Scroll down for information on the Reading Group

Regular monthly meetings

There are two meetings each month:


  • A New Practitioners' meeting in Hove on the first Saturday of each month at New Road Psychotherapy Centre, Hove, from 10am till 12noon; to book your place for the next meeting on 1st March, please click here. There will be no meeting in January.

  • A walking meeting from 10am on the second Saturday of each month, starting from the Brighton Nature Reserve car park off Warren Road, Woodingdean (BN2 6DT) - see map below. The next meeting is on 8th March. Please contact Chris before attending.

Times and Cost

The New Practitioners' Meeting runs from 10am till

12 noon. The cost is £10

The Walking Meeting runs from 10am, usually for around an hour. This meeting is free.

Reading group

The reading and discussion group consists of members of the Person-Centered Community who meet every two months or so to discuss an article or chapter of a book that's usually linked to the person-centered approach.

We normally meet in a member's house in Lewes; and there is an option to join in online.

You are very welcome to join this group, but it is not a drop-in. If you are interested in joining this group please email Geraldine Pass:

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