The Brighton Person-Centred Community is open to anyone interested in the Person-Centred Approach.
We are passionate about meeting each other as we truly are in supportive, confidential environments where we greet each other with a non-judgmental accepting attitude. We want to offer opportunities for connection and to support to each other.
There are different ways to be involved and to meet others interested in the person-centred approach. There is a regular Reading Group, as well as two other meetings each month: a walking community, and a group for recently qualified practitioners. More information can be found here. We also have a programme of exciting workshops with guest speakers.
We look forward to meeting you.
For the latest news, please scroll down below.
As a group we are affiliated to TPCA (The Person-Centred Association) and form part of the national 'Local Groups' network.
*Please note that the Community meetings on the second and third Saturdays of each month are by no means exclusive to therapists and counsellors.
The group was formed in recognition of the fact that there were few organized opportunities locally for counsellors and therapists with an interest in the person-centred approach to come together for contact and mutual support.
This perceived gap highlighted the need for a group where sustained personal/professional contact was made possible.
Latest News:
New Quarterly Event
Launching in early spring 2024, we're bringing together the Person-Centred community for low cost, weekday evening events, four times a year. The events are designed to help us connect, learn, and share insights with each other. Each event will feature up to three speakers, and anyone in the community can nominate themselves to speak about anything related to the Person Centred community. Topics can be as varied or creative as you like…
Whether you're a counsellor, student counsellor, or someone with an interest in the Person Centred approach, this is a chance to feel part of something bigger, connect with the community, hear different perspectives, and contribute to meaningful conversations. The atmosphere will be relaxed, with plenty of time for conversation and connection. Tickets will be affordable and open to all. Look out here and in the regular monthly newsletter for more details.
There are two meetings each month:
A New Practitioners' meeting in Hove on the first Saturday of each month;
A walking meeting on the second Saturday of each month;
The conventional, in-person meeting which previously met on the third Saturday is now closed.
For more details, and for the dates of future meetings, please visit
our Meetings & Groups page.
Meetings take please on a Friday evening in Lewes - usually in a member's house; with an option to join in online.
For more information contact Geraldine Pass:
Please keep an eye out, both here and on the monthly newsletter for future events.
Our existing funds are reasonably healthy; but we certainly will not refuse donations if you feel like contributing to our future. If you would like to make a voluntary donation, our bank details are:
Alternatively, please contact our treasurer, William Johnston, at
Photo by Ben Guerin on Unsplash
The Brighton Person-Centred Community is not a 'membership organisation' in the official sense. However there are various ways to connect with the community. You can:
We hope you find the community a useful and enjoyable thing to be part of, and that it furthers your appreciation, understanding and sense of community in relation to the Person-Centred approach.
For ongoing articles, links and discussions connected with the community and the person-centred approach simply click the Facebook and Twitter (X) icons below to 'like' or 'follow' us!
If you want to contact us, please either email one of the volunteers listed on our Contact page.
Alternatively, write to us at